Curriculum Intent
At Chyngton, we teach computing to enable children to use technology safely, confidently, creatively and flexibly in order to prepare them for the digital age in which we live. Children learn about the exciting and vibrant world of technology and how to become good digital citizens.
This involves:
• Understanding how computer systems work.
• Using search technologies effectively.
• Developing computational thinking in order to solve problems by writing computer programs.
• Using a wide variety of applications and internet services to design and create content.
• Representing, analysing and evaluating information.
• Using technology safely and responsibly.
• Reporting concerns.
• Understanding how computing is used in the wider world.
Computing Progression Map
Year |
Digital Citizenship (Online Safety and Acceptable Use) |
Computer Science (Technology, Computers, Networks and the Internet) |
ICT (Using Applications) |
Programming |
Data Handling |
1 |
Identify which information is private and which is safe to share and say where to go for help if worried about something. |
List different types of electronic devices and label parts of a desktop computer. |
Open files, edit them and save them again. (Includes data handling – group data on a prepared table.) |
Give an algorithm for a simple task.
Create and debug a simple program. |
(See ‘Using Applications’) Group data under headings on a prepared spreadsheet. |
2 |
Explain how to use technology safely and respectfully. |
List some places where information technology is used outside school and say what it is for. |
Create a file, save it and open it later to work on it some more. (Includes data handling – group data on a table.) |
Create and debug a simple program using repetition (counted loops).
Look at a program and say what it will do. |
(See ‘Using Applications’) Group data under headings on a spreadsheet they have created themselves. |
3 |
List online safety rules covering what can and should not be put online; how to protect equipment, private information and wellbeing; and how to report concerns about content or contact. |
Explain the different services offered by computer networks. |
Use more than one piece of software to complete a task.
Successfully search the web to answer questions.
Use counted loops containing more than one command (repetition).
Use more than one piece of software to complete a task.
Group data under headings on a spreadsheet they have created themselves using data gathered from the web. |
4 |
Explore several courses of action if worried about online content or contact |
Show how different devices on the school computer network connect together. |
Explain what happens during an internet search.
Use different kinds of repetition (loops).
Counted loops, infinite loops, conditional loops (while and repeat until loops) |
Carry out a survey and use the data to create a table and bar chart on a spreadsheet. Analyse and evaluate the data. |
5 |
I can say which behaviours are acceptable and which are unacceptable and why. |
I can explain how the school computer network connects to the internet and what opportunities the world wide web offers. |
I can create something on the computer from my search results, providing captions for well-chosen pictures and putting well-chosen text into my own words. |
I can use selection (if and then) in programming and say what the input and output are.
I can use tables and bar charts on a spreadsheet to work to a budget. Analyse and evaluate the data. |
6 |
Explore acceptable/unacceptable and safe/unsafe online behaviours, giving possible courses of action and their potential outcomes. |
Explain how computer networks are good for working with others. |
I can use a variety of applications to create a range of digital content to accomplish given goals. |
Use more than two pieces of software to plan, create, test and debug a program which uses variables |
I can collect continuous data and create a table and line graph on a spreadsheet. Analyse and evaluate the data. |