Design and Technology
Curriculum Intent
At Chyngton we teach design technology so that children develop skills to solve real and relevant problems in a creative and practical way.
They design, make, adapt and refine products with purpose and intent to meet an end user’s requirements demonstrating confidence and resilience through the design process.
This involves:
Evaluating existing products to inspire children’s own designs
Developing the ability to design, evaluate and improve children’s work using technical vocabulary
Developing the skills to solve problems that occur in everyday life, through practical experience of making products
The Continuous Design Technology Cycle applicable to all learning projects:
Progression Map
Year 1
Cooking (making and technical knowledge) |
Wheels (making and technical knowledge) |
Structures (making and technical knowledge) |
- Understand where a range of fruits, vegetables and breads come from e.g. farmed, bought made or grown at home
- Understand and use basic principles of a healthy and varied diet to prepare dishes
- Know and use technical and sensory vocabulary relevant to the project
- Use simple utensils and equipment to e.g. cut, slice, spread and chop safely
- Distinguish between fixed and freely moving axles
- Select from and use a range of tools and equipment to perform practical tasks such as cutting and joining to allow movement and finishing
- Select from and use a range of materials and components such as paper, card, plastic and wood according to their characteristics
- Know how to make freestanding structures stronger, stiffer and more stable
- Select and use appropriate equipment, strengthening and finishing techniques, explaining their choices
- Select new and reclaimed materials and construction kits to build their structures
Explore: Exploration of existing products (e.g. tastes testing, examining wheeled toys, identifying free standing structures in the locality)
Design: Generate initial ideas through talk, drawing and/or prototypes in order to solve a problem using simple design criteria
Evaluate: Ongoing dynamic evaluation using appropriate technical language to adapt and improve product based on original design criteria
Year 2
Cooking |
Sliders, levers & linkages |
Textiles |
- Understand and use basic principles of a healthy and varied diet to prepare dishes
- Select from a range of vegetables according to their characteristics e.g. colour, texture and taste to create a chosen product
- Use simple utensils and equipment to e.g. peel, cut, slice, squeeze, grate and chop safely
- Understand that different mechanisms produce different types of movement
- Select and use appropriate equipment, explaining their choices, to cut, shape and join paper and card
- Explore how to join fabrics using different techniques e.g. running stitch, glue, over stitch, stapling
- Select from and use a range of tools and equipment to perform practical tasks such as marking out, cutting, joining and finishing
- Explore different finishing techniques e.g. using painting, fabric crayons, stitching, sequins, buttons and ribbons
Explore: Exploration of existing products (e.g. using senses, examining everyday objects with sliders, levers and exploring textile products)
Design: Generate initial ideas through experience, talk, drawing and/or prototypes in order to solve a problem using and generating simple design criteria
Evaluate: Ongoing dynamic evaluation using appropriate technical language to adapt and improve product based on intended purpose for user |
Year 3
Cooking |
Textiles |
Structures |
- Plan the main stages of a recipe, listing ingredients, utensils and equipment
- Select from a range of ingredients to make appropriate food products, thinking about sensory characteristics
- Select and use appropriate equipment and utensils to prepare and combine food
- Know about a range of fresh and processed ingredients appropriate for their product, and where they are grown
- Understand how to securely join two pieces of fabric together
- Select fabrics and fastenings according to their functional characteristics e.g. strength, and aesthetic qualities e.g. pattern
- Select and use a range of appropriate tools with some accuracy e.g. cutting, joining and finishing
- Develop and use knowledge of how to construct strong, stiff shell structures
- Develop and use knowledge of nets of cubes and cuboids
- Select and use appropriate tools to measure, mark out, cut, score, shape and assemble with some accuracy
- Explain their choice of materials according to functional properties and aesthetic qualities
Explore: Record exploration of existing products (e.g. using senses, examining shell structures and exploring 3-D textile products)
Design: Collaboratively develop realistic ideas and design criteria based on analysis of existing products, using annotated sketches
Evaluate: Test and evaluate their own products using appropriate technical language against design criteria and the intended user and purpose, taking into account the views of others
Year 4
Cooking |
Sliders, levers & linkages |
Electrical |
- Have some basic knowledge and understanding about healthy eating and The eat well guide
- Know some ways to prepare ingredients safely and hygienically
- Know about a range of fresh and processed ingredients appropriate for their product, and whether they are grown or reared
- Plan the main stages of a recipe, listing ingredients, utensils and equipment
- Select and use appropriate utensils and equipment to prepare and combine ingredients
- Select from a range of ingredients to make appropriate food products, thinking about sensory characteristics
- Understand and use lever and linkage mechanisms
- Distinguish between fixed and loose pivots
- Independently select from and use appropriate tools with some accuracy to cut, shape and join materials
- Select from and use finishing techniques suitable for the product they are creating
- Understand and use electrical systems in their products, such as series circuits incorporating switches, bulbs and buzzers
- Select from and use materials and components, including construction materials and electrical components according to their functional properties and aesthetic qualities
Explore: Investigate and analyse existing products (e.g. using questionaires and tables to explore features)
Design: Gather information about the needs of the end user(s) to develop realistic ideas and design criteria taking into account analysis of existing products (using annotated sketches)
Evaluate: Test products with the end user using appropriate technical language against design criteria and the intended user and purpose, taking into account the views of others. Identify strengths and areas for improvement.
Year 5
Cooking |
Gears and Pulleys |
Structures |
- Know how to use utensils and equipment including heat sources to prepare and cook food
- Understand about seasonality and climates/location in relation to food products and the source of different food products
- Write a step-by-step recipe, including a list of ingredients, equipment and utensils
- Select and use appropriate utensils and equipment accurately to measure and combine appropriate ingredients
- Make, decorate and present the food product appropriately for the intended user and purpose
- Understand that mechanical systems have an input, process and an output
- Understand how gears and pulleys can be used to speed up, slow down or change the direction of movement
- Produce detailed lists of tools, equipment and materials. Formulate step-by-step plans and, if appropriate, allocate tasks within a team
- Select from and use a range of tools and equipment to make products that that are accurately assembled and well finished. Work within the constraints of time, resources and cost
- Understand how to create a freestanding 3D framework by working accurately
- Competently select from and use appropriate tools and equipment safely to accurately measure, mark out, cut, shape and join construction materials to make frameworks
- Use finishing and decorative techniques suitable for the product they are designing and making
Explore: Investigate and analyse existing products (e.g. frame structures, architecture relevant to time period, axles, wheels – fixed and moving) gathering information using questionnaires and tables
Design: Innovate by exploring a range of initial ideas from which a design brief (using annotated sketches) can be developed to meet the needs of the end user. Consider constraints of time and resources.
Evaluate: Test products with intended user and critically evaluate the quality of the design, manufacture, functionality and fitness for purpose using appropriate technical language. Identify strengths and areas for improvement.
Year 6
Cooking |
Textiles |
Structures |
- Have knowledge and understanding about food hygiene, nutrition, healthy eating and a varied diet
- Understand how key chefs have influenced eating habits to promote varied and healthy diets
- Write a step-by-step recipe, including a list of ingredients, equipment and utensils
- Select and use appropriate utensils and equipment accurately to measure and combine appropriate ingredients
- Make, decorate and present the food product appropriately for the intended user and purpose
- A 3-D textile product can be made from a combination of accurately made pattern pieces, fabric shapes and different fabrics
- Fabrics can be strengthened, stiffened and reinforced where appropriate
- Independently formulate step-by-step plans and, if appropriate, allocate tasks within a team
- Independently select from and use a range of tools and equipment safely to make products that are accurately assembled and well finished. Work within the constraints of time and resources
- Understand how to strengthen, stiffen and reinforce 3-D frameworks
- Independently formulate a clear plan, including a step-by-step list of what needs to be done and lists of resources to be used
- Competently select from and use appropriate tools safely to accurately measure, mark out, cut, shape and join construction materials to make frameworks, explaining choices
- Use finishing techniques suitable for the product they are designing and making, explaining choices
Explore: Investigate, analyse and evaluate existing products (e.g. structures and textiles), commenting on suitability for purpose. Record explorations appropriately (e.g. tables / graphs)
Design: Gather information about the needs of the end user(s) to develop realistic ideas and design criteria taking into account analysis of existing products. Use annotated sketches templates and prototypes to design purposeful, functional and appealing products.
Evaluate: Design appropriate tests to carry out with the end user. Use appropriate technical language to evaluate against design specification, taking into account the views of others. Identify strengths and areas for improvement. |