Curriculum Intent
At Chyngton we offer a broad and balanced curriculum which promotes and prepares all our children to become the best that they can be.
We believe that learning must be meaningful to a child so that they are able to use what they have learned and apply it in a variety of new situations.
We follow The Early Years Foundation Stage, which indicates the national expectations of Reception children. As a school we have developed our Early Years curriculum to ensure that it provides the most supportive route to our Early Learning Goals.
Throughout the year we have a variety of topics to scaffold our learning and development. We aim to produce a dynamic curriculum that encourages children to be active explorers and enhance their individual progress.
Here is an outline of our Learning Journey:
Term 1
- It’s all about me, how can I be the best that I can be? – getting to know what makes us special, to develop emotional literacy and understanding, celebrating differences and working on friendship and adjusting to school life.
Term 2
- Seasonal changes, autumn to winter - This term we focus on the changes in nature and our environments. We also look at important celebrations that happen throughout the term such as Divali, remembrance Sunday, bonfire night and Christmas. At the end of this term the Reception classes will have the opportunity to perform their Nativity show.
Term 3 and 4
- Changes and growth, in both ourselves and other living things - This term we look at our own history and how we have changed over time as well as studying plants and animals. This term allows us to target our literacy and numeracy skills through exploration of the world around us.
Term 5
- People who help us - This term provides the opportunity to meet and connect with a variety of professionals to learn more about them, it enables us with an opportunity to gain a deeper understanding of our local community and the people within it.
Term 6
- In our final term we focus on the children’s achievements and celebrate the progress they have made. This term follows the interests of the children and allows children to approach their learning with curiosity, energy and enthusiasm.
In Reception, we encourage a free flow environment, allowing the children to explore both classrooms as well as our outdoor space. Our outdoor space includes a sensory kitchen; a grass area with climbing equipment; a large space for construction and bikes. We are also fortunate enough to have a large sheltered space which allows us to access outdoor learning in all seasons. As a school we follow the OPAL play scheme and encourage children to develop skills in their imagination, cooperation and resilience.