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Chyngton Primary School



Our society has seen an increase in racism recently and over the past decade, there has been a significant increase in racist incidents. Reports indicate a rise from 31,115 cases in March 2013 to 101,906 in March 2023, marking a 190% increase over ten years. Public perception of racism in the UK reflects these trends. As of September 2024, 46% of people in Great Britain believed that racism was somewhat prevalent, while 34% felt there was a great deal of racism in the country.  

In order to tackle this, we have taken an anti-racist approach at Chyngton Primary School. Part of this anti-racist approach has been to develop an anti-racist statement (see below). This statement outlines presents our commitment and approach to structural and overt racism.  

Chyngton's Anti-Racist Statement: 

At Chyngton, we are committed to ensuring every child thrives, regardless of their ethnic, racial, cultural, or religious background. To achieve this, we take an anti-racist approach, breaking down barriers that may prevent children from reaching their full potential. 

We recognise the impact of unconscious bias and work to create a fair, inclusive environment where all children can succeed. Our goal is to build a school community that rejects discrimination, values diversity, and fosters mutual respect.  

Teaching and Learning: 

At Chyngton, we are committed to teaching our pupils how to be anti-racist. This is more than being non-racist. The difference being that anti-racism is focused on standing up against racism and, ultimately, ending racism. We know that this is a huge challenge. However, this does not deter us.  

We use a number of tools to support our pupils and staff to have an anti-racist approach. These include: 

  • Staff training and CPD  
  • Lessons on race equality and racism 
  • Celebrating Black History Month and The International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination 
  • Assemblies 
  • Ensuring our curriculum includes learning about global majority figures
  • Ensuring our reading books include diverse authors and characters and that they focus on contexts from all around the globe



Primary (KS1 and KS2) lessons — Anti-Racism Education


