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Chyngton Primary School

Operation Encompass

For some time now our school has taken part in an operation run jointly with Sussex Police called ‘Operation Encompass’.

Operation Encompass was designed to provide early reporting to schools/colleges of any domestic abuse incidents that occur in which a child was present, ordinarily resides at the incident location or with an involved party. We know that children can be significantly affected through witnessing or being exposed to domestic abuse and this operation will allow us to better support our pupils and their families.  Further information can be found at https://www.operationencompass.org/.

A DSL is  able to use information that has been shared with them, in confidence, to ensure that the right support is available should it be required by a child and/or their family.

We are always keen to offer the best support available to our pupils and families, especially in tricky times.  Minimal information is shared by the police.  It may be that you, knowing that we will get this notification, would like to contact us to share a bit more information about what has happened.  We would very much welcome this in order to best support your child.

You could do this by email dsl@chyngtonschool.org or ring and ask to speak to one of the Designated Safeguarding Leads.

The more we understand about what might be tricky or distressing, the better we are able to support your child.