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Chyngton Primary School

Our Staff


Miss Amy Clarke (Designated Safeguarding Lead) 

Deputy Headteacher and Trust Leader

Mr Robin Tollyfield (Deputy DSL) 

Assistant Headteacher

Mr Adam Nandhra (Deputy DSL)

Inclusion Leader & SENCO

Mrs Gemma Southerden (Deputy DSL)

If you wish to speak to the Inclusion Leader, please contact Emma Scudder, PA to Senior Leadership Team

Assistant to Inclusion Leader

Miss Florence Robertson 

PA to Senior Leadership Team

Mrs Emma Scudder

School Bursar

Mrs Zoe Brooker

Attendance Officer

Mrs Simone Beresford

Admin Assistant

Miss Ophelia Schultz-Clark

Reception Team

Teachers: Miss Clare Martin, Miss Libby Rudolph and Mrs Angela Parle 

Teaching Assistants: Mrs Sally Carr, Mrs Yvonne Denman and Mrs Shirley Lowe 

Year 1 Team

Teachers: Miss Florence Robertson, Miss Rhiannon Burgess and Mrs Juliet Au

Teaching Assistants: Mrs Kathy Tucknott, Mrs Paula Prodger and Mrs Shirley Lowe 

Year 2 Team

Teachers: Miss Emily Cassidy and Miss Lisa Sayers 

Teaching Assistants: Mrs Amy Field, Mrs Shirley Lowe and Mrs Charlotte Peachey 

Year 3 Team

Teachers: Miss Tracey Guest, Miss Nicky Holt and Miss Amelia Hicks 

Teaching Assistant: Mrs Jane Harper, Miss Lily Harris and Mrs Yvonne Denman 

Year 4 Team

Teachers: Mrs Amy Lee, Mrs Sam Stockton and Miss Katie Lyons 

Teaching Assistants: Mrs Helen Harris and Mrs Ali Soden 

Year 5 Team

Teachers: Mr Rory Arnold, Mrs Mel Sinclair and Miss Katie Lyons   

Teaching Assistants: Mrs Gill Hills, Mr Mike Oliver and Miss Alex Ramson 

Year 6 Team

Teachers: Mrs Rachel Barnes and Miss Victoria Harrington 

Teaching Assistant: Mrs Sally Scott and Miss Charley Davis

Computing Teacher

Mr Barnes Adams

Art Teacher

Ms Catherine Boon

Cover Supervisor

Mrs Lisa Phillips

Child Welfare and Parent Support Advisor

Ms Angela Raven

SEMH Mentor

Mrs Mary Measor

Nurture Class Provision Supervisor

Ms Sophie Eager 

Nurture Teaching Assistant 

Mrs Debbie Urry 

Speech and Language Teaching Assistant

Mrs Gill Hills

Midday Supervisors

Mrs Shamima Hussain and Mr Michael McLean 

Breakfast and After School Club Supervisor

Mrs Lisa Phillips

Breakfast Club/After School Club Assistants

Miss Phoebe Barnes-Galloway, Miss Charley Davis, Mrs Shamima Hussain and Mrs Shirley Lowe 

Premises Manager

Mr Alan Moran