School Uniform
Chyngton School has its own distinctive uniform and all the children wear it. We feel that all the children at our school are of equal importance and wearing our uniform emphasises this.
It also assists in maintaining a high level of expectation in and out of school which we aim for at all times and promotes a strong sense of belonging to our school community.
We are proud of our school uniform and trust you will fully support us by ensuring your child wears the correct uniform.
- Grey trousers/skirt/pinafore dress
- White shirt or polo shirt
- Red sweatshirt or cardigan (Chyngton School badge is optional)
- Black school shoes or smart black boots (25mm/1” heels maximum) and wellies
- Grey or white socks or grey/red/black tights
- Grey trousers/shorts/skirt or red & white checked summer dress
- White shirt or polo shirt
- Red sweatshirt or cardigan (Chyngton School badge is optional)
- Black school shoes or black/red/white closed toe sandals (25mm/1” heels maximum) and wellies
- Grey or white socks
PE and other items
- White t-shirt
- Red shorts
- Plimsolls for indoor PE
- Trainers for outdoor PE (optional)
- A sweatshirt/jumper and jogging trousers or tracksuit for winter (optional and to be worn when advised by teachers)
Please ensure all P.E. clothing and uniform items are named.
School uniform can be purchased from Intersport, Sutton Road, Seaford (if you require items with the Chyngton logo) and at many shops and larger supermarkets.