Inclusion and Special Educational Needs or Disability (SEND)
Welcome to our Inclusion and SEND page!
At Chyngton we work hard to make sure that our school can support all of our children to make good progress from their individual starting points.
At Chyngton, everyone is a part of our Inclusion Team because we firmly believe that everyone is a teacher of SEND. Everyone, from our wonderful office team, to our dedicated support staff, teachers and leadership team, is committed to ensuring all of our children are able to thrive, and will strive to work with you to support that.
Meet our Inclusion Team
Gemma Southerden |
Inclusion Leader, SENCo, Designated LAC Teacher, Mental Health and Emotional Wellbeing Leader, Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead |
Robin Tollyfield |
Deputy Headteacher, Pupil Premium Lead, Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead |
Florence Robertson |
Assistant to the Inclusion Leader |
Angela Raven |
Child Welfare and Parent Liaison Advisor, ELSA (Emotional Literacy Support Assistant) and Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead |
Mary Measor |
Social, Emotional and Mental Health Mentor |
Sophie Eager |
Nurture Class Provision Supervisor |
Debbie Urry |
Nurture Class TA |
Gill Hills |
Speech and Language TA |
Emma Scudder |
PA to the Senior Leadership Team |
SEND/Inclusion Governor |
If you have any concerns that your child may need some additional help to make progress (academically, socially, or emotionally), please contact us. In the first instance it is always best to talk to your child’s class teacher. If you need to contact any member of the Inclusion Team you can do so via the main school office. We will aim to get back to you within 2 working days.
Please note that some members of staff are part time and this may affect how quickly they get back to you.
Referrals to other services - further assessments or support
We have a range of services we can refer to for additional support or assessment, but there are usually criteria that have to be met before we can refer on.
However, if you are concerned that you child may need specialist assessment for Autism or ADHD, these referrals can be made through the school or your GP. If this is a concern, please let your child’s class teacher know, and we will be able to work together to establish whether there is enough evidence for a referral.
We do not need for a child to have a diagnosis before we can support them. It is important to speak to us so that we can work together to assess what your child is struggling with, and what might support them to make progress.
SEND support at Chyngton
We have a ‘universal offer’ which means the provision we have in place which supports all of our children. We aim for all of our classrooms to be ‘autism friendly’, ‘dyslexia friendly’ and inclusive for all. However, when a pupil needs provision that is different to that which is normally available to pupils of the same age for more than 1 or 2 terms, we would say they have a Special Educational Need.
Please see our SEND Information Report for more information.
We have high aspirations for all of our children, and work hard to make sure that every child can access a broad and balanced curriculum and make good progress from their individual starting points. We strive to make sure every classroom is an inclusive environment and our teachers and teaching assistants are trained in dyslexia, autism, attachment and trauma and emotional regulation, and we plan in further training every year.
We also have a nurture class, supporting children who may need some additional support to be ready to learn effectively with self esteem, social skills, attention, listening and emotional regulation and aim to make every classroom a nurturing environment.
Our Child Welfare and Parent Liaison Advisor and our SEMH Mentor support children’s Social Emotional and Mental Health through interventions and support in class.
We run a variety of interventions to meet our children’s needs throughout the year including sensory circuits, Jumpahead, reading, phonics, maths, Zones of Regulation and social skills.
We run a monthly Inclusion Panel where we allocate appropriate intervention to those who need it. This panel ensure equality of access to the interventions for all of our children, aiming to support those who need it when they need it most. All staff can make referrals to this panel.
Planning for your child's needs - Assess, Plan, Do, Review
All of our plans follow the SEN Code of Practice’s recommended ‘Assess, Plan, Do, Review’ cycle. We work with parents and children to create and review plans. If your child has an Additional Needs Plan (ANP) their teacher will review it with you at a longer parent consultation slot 3 times per year. Reviews for children with an Education Health and Care Plan (EHCP) will also take place three times per year as a minimum but may be held separately to parent consultation evenings and at least one meeting per year will be led by the Inclusion Lead or the Assistant to the Inclusion Lead. However, if you are concerned, please do not feel you have to wait until these planned meetings to discuss provision with your child’s teacher. They will be able to adjust your child’s plan at any point.
Mental Health and Emotional Well-being
At Chyngton, the mental health and emotional wellbeing of our children is a priority. Our staff have all had training on MHEW, and Zones of Regulation, which we are using in every classroom. We also have other sources of support for children when they may be struggling with MHEW.
This year we are working with the Youth Counselling Project who are providing a counsellor for one day each week, meaning she can see up to 5 children each term.
We are also working with the Mental Health Support Team. This means that an Education Mental Health Practitioner is based here one day a week, offering a range of therapeutic services to children who may be struggling with anxiety, low mood, phobias, eating or sleeping difficulties.
We can also make referrals to the School Health Service for toileting difficulties, establishing sleep routines, and more.
If you have any concerns about your child’s mental health or emotional wellbeing, please contact any member of staff you feel comfortable talking to. We have a referral pathway for further support if your child would benefit from it that all staff members are aware of.
For more information please look at the school's SEN Information Report and the Local Authority Local Offer. (Links can be found below!)